Ghislain Mollet-Vieville, an exceptional individual in art
1902 1902 visiteurs ont vu cet évènement.
This first symposium is organized by the Praxis Art Sororité (P.A.S.) laboratory and the Paris Biennale, focusing on Ghislain Mollet-Vieville.
Timeline of the conference:
- 11:00 AM: Introduction to the symposium, guests, Praxis Art Sororité (P.A.S.) laboratory, and the Paris Biennale.
- 11:15 AM: Portrait of the « King » by Marie Julie.
- 11:25 AM: « Lawrence Weiner & Ghislain Mollet-Viéville » by Jacques Rivet.
- 11:45 AM: « Co-Singularity » by Ludovic De Vita.
- 12:05 PM: « GMV » by Antoine Moreau.
- 12:25 PM: « Half a Century of Loyal Service to Art » by Alexandre Gurita.
- 12:45 PM: Public discussion and moderated questions by Alexandra Peron and Camille Zmyslony.
- 1:00 PM: Closing remarks.
Guest Speakers: Ghislain Mollet-Vieville, Alexandre Gurita, Ludovic De Vita, Antoine Moreau, Jacques Rivet.
Permanent Team:
- Alexandra Peron, researcher, co-founder of LDRE & head of the Laboratory of Benevolence.
- Marie Julie, artist & researcher, co-founder of LDRE & head of the Laboratory of Porosity.
- Camille Zmyslony, researcher, co-founder of LDRE & head of the Laboratory of Politics.
- Alexandre Gurita, artist, director of the Paris Biennale and ENDA (National Art School of Paris).