International Forum on Invisual art in Africa

Biennale de Paris

International Forum on Invisual art in Africa

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The Forum will highlight the role of spirituality in African art in connection with the invisible aspect of Western art.

This conference aims to conduct a thorough examination of the origins of art, its modes of creation, compensation, and functionality. The following terms of reference outline the objectives, expected outcomes, and methodology of this conference, which is deemed essential for the future of art in Africa, free from Western models.

The goal is to elevate the most unique artists living in Africa, making Ivory Coast a cutting-edge space and a reference point on the international art scene.

The objective is to provide artists with the most advanced tools in invisible art research and address invisible issues with high potential for theoretical and practical development. The conference is open to artists, researchers, experimenters, demonstrators, educators, critics, and art historians. This aspect of invisible art is not intended to be displayed for sale, as it is not a material object but embodies a universal thought—one of art, harmony among peoples, and with the living. It serves as a symbol of peace.

Partners: Institute for International Research, Experimentation, and Demonstration in Art (IREDIA), Paris Biennale, Maison des Artistes (Assouinde, Ivory Coast), INSAAC (National Higher Institute of Arts and Cultural Action), Abidjan.

Free registration.

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Date et heure

2022-11-14 à 09:00 à
2022-11-14 à 17:00

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